

Accessing your dashboard

Advali Data Studio utilises Google's account security to ensure your financial information is protected. Therefore, the only way to access Advali Data Studio is by signing in with your Google account. This also provides easy access to your dashboards for regular monitoring - if you are signed into Google, including Gmail, Youtube etc, then you can view your Advali Data Studio dashboard anytime - there is no additional logins required.

Dashboard scrolling

Your mouse pointer must be in the margins of the page to scroll up and down dashboards containing tables in detailed view. This functionality allows scrolling within expanded tables by hovering your mouse over the table you wish to scroll down.

Dashboard navigation options

There are the following dashboard navigation options:

  • The right and left arrow keys on your keyboard will take you to the next / previous dashboard;

  • The right and left arrows in the top left corner of your browser will take you to the next / previous dashboard;

  • Dashboard header links allows you to skip straight to the dashboard you wish to review.

Full screen mode

Full screen mode should always be used when reviewing your Advali Data Studio as the dashboards view is optimised. To access full screen mode click on the three dotted icon in the top right corner of your browser, and select 'Present'. Then in the bottom left hand corner of the screen, click on the black screen icon and select 'Fit to width'.

Download your dashboards as a PDF report

To download your dashboards as a pdf, click on the drop down arrow next to the 'Share' button in the top right hand corner of your Dashboard webpage and select 'Download report'.

Create an automated PDF report email delivery schedule

Only users with 'edit' access permissions can activate automated email delivery schedules, so please email your account manager requesting a new Advali Data Studio email delivery schedule and provide the following details:

  1. Enter a list of email addresses to be included in the PDF report email delivery

  2. (Optional) Enter a custom email subject and message.

  3. (Optional) Select the report pages to include in the email.

  4. Set the date and time you wish to begin sending the report.

  5. Set the delivery frequency (e.g. fortnightly).

Update your Budget in Xero

Review and update your budget in Xero to automatically establish targets in Advali Data Studio with actual vs budget comparisons.

To update your budget in Xero, click on the following link and follow the instructions below -
You can fill out rows automatically using a simple formula. Click into the box you want to base a formula on, then click the green arrow to start.


  • Apply fixed amount to each month to fill other boxes with the same amount

  • Adjust by amount each month to increase by that amount each month

  • Adjust by percentage each month to increase by a certain percent each month.

Click Apply to update the worksheet.

To apply a formula to all accounts, click on the green arrow next to a month name in the header. From here, you can have the same formula options as before, which you can now apply to the entire worksheet. In addition, you can clear all months from that point on.

Click Apply to update the worksheet.

Please see the following link for further instructions on how to use Xero Budget Manager -

Integrating Google Ads & Google Analytics

The steps to integrate Google Ads and Google Analytics for website performance monitoring are as follows:

  1. Go to the marketing page on your dashboard

  2. Click on the drop down box with the Google Ads icon

  3. Click 'Authorise' to the prompted message

  4. Once you are redirected to the new page, sign in into your account.

Please note, when you attempt to connect the Google Ads you need to be signed in into the account which has access to Google Ads. Upon clicking on the Google Ads drop down box, a pop up authorisation box should appear as per the image below:

Still need help?

Contact your account manager or send a request by clicking the 'Contact Us' button below.


Ilya Davydkin is your data studio manager.

Please use the following contact details for technical support.


Phone: +61 8 6185 9074

Mobile: +61 435 143 663